Imaginosophy Cards

The Perpetual Cards

The Perpetual Cards

Ace of Spirit - Rainbow "Oneness"


Pay attention to your dreams and visions. Blessings are always around us, so look closely for the gift of a rainbow. This card suggests that your guides are assisting you in making a dream come true. See if you can feel the Oneness of existence from which all things arise. Dreams are coming true.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

This first card is a rainbow from which ideas are made physically manifest. The Oneness card shows an eight-pointed white star encircled by a metal ring, perhaps made of silver. A faery sits on the left edge by eight multicolored blossoming daisies. The symbol of the triple moon in gold rests in the bottom of the circle representing the Goddess in her many forms. Goethe taught that the rainbow mirrors human aims and actions, but perhaps we mirror the impulses of the rainbow.

The rainbow is a symbol of magical blessings, reminiscent of the enchanted lands of leprechauns and fairies. Contained within the artwork are the energies of blessings and hope.

Color Therapy:

Isaac Newton (1642-1726) is recognized as the first modern scientist to understand the rainbow. He performed a series of experiments in which he refracted white light with a prism and observed that the projection produced the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Notice that the color Indigo is missing. Artists are still fascinated by the idea that the rainbow is inherent in white light. Clearly pigmentation is also used in art. This experiment helped artists understand and distinguish the primaries (red, yellow, and blue) from the secondaries, the colors that the primaries combine into (orange, green and violet). It also gives rise to the color wheel and the study of opposites: red is opposite green, orange is opposite blue, and yellow is opposite violet, etc. Newton added the tertiary color indigo because he wanted to match the Dorian scale of music. In Newton’s “octave” of colors, orange and indigo are placed at the half steps, between E and F and between B and C. As an individual opens to all the facets of being, each color of the rainbow will awaken in the soul.

Planets & Sounds:

Just imagine…. Pythagoras believed that the planets were celestial bodies that created tones or music. Throughout the centuries mystics and musicians have reported hearing seven planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Isaac Newton believed that the seven colors of the rainbow matched the seven musical notes on a scale. Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th century German mystic and nun who loved the Earth, taught that music can be used to uplift and elevate a person to higher planes, and that when Adam sinned, he lost contact with the divine voice. From an Imaginosophy perspective, one way toward wholeness could be to remember the Music of the Spheres. Certainly, music can uplift the soul and carry us back to celestial harmony. The sound that would be closest to the rainbow is the silent OM.

Flower Essence:

Daisy (Bellis perennis) can help raise the vibration of a person, so they feel calm and protected. The multicolored daisy essences steer one towards the recovery of emotional balance and a sense of the unified field. We all come from One source, and the frequency of the daisies can lift us up, so we can trust our natural unfoldment.


Listen to Hildegard von Bingen’s Canticles of Ecstasy. In the accounts of Pliny, using musical intervals to describe the distances between the moon and the seen planets, Pythagoras developed the concept of the music of the spheres. Johannes Kepler developed the idea further using sacred geometry to describe the symphony of the cosmos. Sir Isaac Newton was also inspired by the Music of the Spheres as were Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Ravel and Mozart.

Two of Spirit - PINK “Love”


A loving friend, mentor or guide can help a person perceive the life they are meant to live into. When we awaken to the internal spiritual essence of love, outer love of the material becomes a natural way of living. Love inspires us to become the best of who we are designed to be. The love of Spirit is unconditional and eternal. Love yourself and accept love from another.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

From the pink essence, a circle containing a morning glory flower fairy arises. Rudolph Steiner taught that the Fifth Element can be called Spirit or Life. There are many stories of flower fairies who tend the plant world. The best way to begin to rediscover the fairy kingdom is through the Imagination. The Air fairies known a Sylphs have the role of lovingly conveying light to plants. Steiner taught that in bearing loving light to the plants, the fairies weave out of the plant ideal designs, such as flowers. In our own lives the loving light encourages us to make the most of who we are and to live into our complete blueprint and design.

Color Therapy:

Pink is a tint of Red created by combining with White. This means that everything that is true of Red, the color of passion and the Ruby Red of VIII Strength, is also true of Pink but the White adds a lightness to the frequency. As an essence, Pink feels fluffy and sweet. It has a melting quality, and often seeks to love another person. The challenge is not to control or cling. Observe the pattern of wanting to love only under certain circumstances. But why love only under a set of conditions? The persona wants to be seen, admired, and loved. The Pink essence can open the wonder of childhood again, even inviting clairvoyance and clairaudience to awaken.

Planets & Sounds:

Pink can awaken the gift of clairaudience, or clear hearing. Rose Quartz singing bowls are attuned to 432Hz and in harmony with the Heart Chakra. The sound supports emotional and relational healing; and can inspire Self-Love as well as romantic love. The Base Chakra is attuned with the Tone of “G”; Dark Red is 430Hz; InfraRed and the color of the Earth Star is attuned with the Tone of “F” and 380Hz. The planet Venus, the planet of love, is related to the color white and can be associated with pink. Can you imagine singing to the heart of another?

Flower Essence:

Each morning as the sun rises, the Morning Glory flowers open. The essence encourages joy and glory. Morning Glories grow upwards and minds that have been stuck in the suffering of the world begin to raise up to new possibilities and perspectives. Rudolph Steiner describes fairies as supersensible beings connected to the element of Earth.


Observe the qualities of love and write down your history of love. What was love like when you were a child? Are you still connected to your wonderous child? When you feel the essence of love, does it have a sound, fragrance, or a taste?

Three of Spirit – ORANGE “Creativity”


Orange invites pleasure, and the delights of creativity. It is the color of nourishment, enthusiasm, fun, and sociability. Orange encourages us to live life fully and completely, and to love the fruits of our labors. It can take some time to understand that True Nature loves the body and delights in Being. From a spiritual perspective, the Orange ray links us to inner pleasures, and states of bliss or Samadhi.

When the orange essence emerges, we are invited to remember that Being is always positive and pleasurable. A.H. Almaas states that the Orange Essence can open in the soul like a delicious piece of candy, a divine nectar filling and healing the body and soul. Then the soul begins to celebrate the delights of the Light Body or Diamond Body. As the Orange becomes fully accessible to the soul, a person feels full, complete, and fulfilled.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The Celtic Triquetra or Triquetra symbol is Latin for “three corners.” It symbolizes the unity of Body, Mind, and Spirit. The Triquetra ultimately signifies the unbreakable union between gods, community, and human beings.

Color Therapy:

Orange is related to the second or sacral chakra but can be used anywhere on the body. It invites open conversation and tolerance for all emotions. Orange is an excellent choice for healing wounds or overcoming trauma, especially sexual trauma. It is the heal-all that can mend the body and soul. Some healing practitioners visualize the etheric field as orange, healing and restoring any gaps or breaks in the field. Orange can help us lift out of depression and focus more fully on the joys of living.

Planets & Sounds:

The tone of “D” is generally associated with the sacral chakra. Orange sound arises in wavelengths at 590-625 nm (nanometers) and 510-480 THz (terahertz). Jolly Jupiter is sometimes related to orange. Although generally associated with the color blue, the orange-red vibrations of Uranus are thought to help a person heal from physical and psychological trauma. Mystical Neptune, discovered in 1846, is also related to the color Orange. Imagine that nature is creating new forms all the time while humming the tone of D beneath singing stars.

Flower Essence:

Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii) are attuned to the vibrations of the sun and have been used since ancient Egypt in Sun rituals. Joyous orange Gerberas represent warmth, happiness, and friendship. As a flower essence, it helps restore emotional balance and uplift the spirit.


Consider the flowers in the fields and spend time with them. Go into the garden and make a flower essence or create a bouquet for your altar, or if there are no flowers, purchase some flower essences. Attune yourself to the fairy realm and see if you can engage in friendly rapport.

Four of Spirit – YELLOW/ GOLD “Wisdom”


Wisdom that you discover for yourself is your true gold. People who identify with the gold essence tend to be natural born leaders. They have a sense of guidance that opens within them like living golden light, often around the head center. They understand that truth has a divine origin. While one might languish in the intellect, direct knowing leads to wisdom. It is one thing to think of divinity and another to experience the essence of true nature and to know the Self. Sophia is one of the personifications of Wisdom, and in Imaginosophy she takes many forms.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

Four Grails are encircled by a ring of eight apple blossom flowers. There is a connection here with the Four of Water (4 of Cups), except that in this card the cups have formed a unified field. It could be said that wisdom can be sought and obtained from all four directions. The cups form a cross inside a circle, forming a unique Celtic symbol known as Ailm. This equal armed cross or plus sign within a circle is known as a symbol of strength, fertility, and purity. The ancient name for Glastonbury was Avalon (Ynys Afallach), Isle of Apples. Our relationship with apples goes back over five thousand years. Healers all around the globe recognize the healing properties of apples. In the Norse tradition, the Apple is the tree of Immortality. In Celtic folklore, the fairy queen Morgan le Fay took the wounded King Arthur to Avalon for healing. In Ireland folklore, it is said that wisdom can be obtained when pursing a white deer under a wild apple tree.

Color Therapy:

Yellow is the color of the intellect and exuberant curiosity. Gold is the color of higher ideals, understanding, and wisdom. Both yellow and gold are sunny happy colors that can be uplifting, and even lead to states of bliss. If there is an old trauma pattern, the colors can be confusing especially on a mental level. Remember that happiness is our divine right and true nature. The wise remember to laugh and be good humored about the paradoxes of life. Yellow-gold can help us overcome depression, for it brings the sparkle and vitality back into the conscious mind. While yellow tends to be related to the solar plexus and self-confidence, gold is a color that can connect us to the spiritual worlds. Gold is also a color that can help us stay centered and balanced during spiritual awakenings.

Planets & Sounds:

The tone of “E” is generally related to Yellow and the solar plexus. The benevolent planet Jupiter is yellow in color, as is the Sun in Leo, although it tends toward gold. Pythagoras taught that the soul, as well as manifest reality, is designed according to musical laws. Certainly, there is wisdom behind the idea that sacred sounds could reach the divine. The tone of “B” or high “C” could be used above the crown to activate Gold.

Flower Essence:

Apple blossom flower essence is a wonderful inner healer that can take one to the core of an issue and promote restoration. The five petaled blossom can help one discover the inner stars and help reestablish the inner glow of the soul.


Place your hand on your heart and see if you can discover the heart star and the natural purity and wisdom that resides there.

Five of Spirit – OLIVE “Empowerment”


A person who is attracted to the color Olive tends to have a deep love of the natural world. Olive implies that new growth is taking place, and you are involved in a pattern of renewal. This might be a good time to do a cleanse, eat a salad and revitalize your health with healthy fruits and flowers of the fields. You may also be sowing new seeds in your garden, or consciousness, that can lead to an entirely new empowering phase in your life.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

From an Olive background, three rings of life appear symbolic of the three worlds. There is a Celtic tradition of casting a circle for protection, and in this case, it is three rings of fortification. In the center a faery holds a ten-pointed star. She is in touch with the intelligence of life and knows how to co-create with the greater wisdom. The outer silver ring encircles a wreath of Beech leaves which encompasses yet another circle. Silver rings designate an agreement between people and here the outer circle represents the protection of the ancestors, those from the past who still love us, including those of the faery faith. The Beech wreath indicates the potential protection of the fairy realms, also a reminder of an agreement that should never be broken with these wise elementals. We are all here to support life and help all beings flourish.

The wreath of leaves is significant. Known as Mother of the Forest, the Beech tree provides excellent nutrients for poor soils. The Irish god Ogma, one of the good people of the Tuatha de Danann, is said to have written the Ogham alphabet upon the Beech. The written word has power and magic because it means that wisdom can be passed along to future generations. Words are sounds that literally create spells all the time. We need to pay attention to the words we utter because they are powerful. The inner silver ring symbolizes our inner spiritual connection to both the celestial realms. Humans are meant to be the ones who connect the material and spiritual realms. The faery holding the star reminds us that we are empowered when we play our role and serve unfolding creation.

Color Therapy:

Like the olive branch in the beak of the dove, Olive reminds us that there is always a promise of peace. As a color, Olive connects the solar plexus and heart chakras helping a person connect with their Divinity while still being grounded on Earth. This helps an individual access and relate to their feelings, and lead with the feeling side of the heart. A heart-centered person is empowered to make authentic choices. Olive clears the space for new life affirming patterns. An empowered person makes their own decisions and moves in alignment with their internal knowing. Because they have a sure sense of self, they can act as group leaders and facilitators.

Planets & Sounds:

Olive contains brown and so is considered a color connect to the Earth. To connect to the heart of Gaia, chant Ohm. Imagine the possibility of being fully aligned with Earth and Sky.

Flower Essence:

As a Bach flower essence, the Beech helps dissolve mental rigidity and lack of sympathy. It supports relaxation and helps us see the beauty and goodness that is always around is. It can also help us see the good in others and attune to our ancestors. When we are in touch with our deep ancestral wisdom, we can see a positive future, a life worth living into.


Spend time in your garden and walking in the natural world. Practice slowing down, placing your feet slowly upon the path in front of you, sensing the correct direction for you to take. The heart always knows where you should go and what direction to take.

Six of Spirit - GREEN “Kindhearted”


When the green essence appears, the soul wishes to experience life in a kindhearted and loving way. The heart wishes to open and experience life in all its multifaceted ways. The emerald green of the heart can be very attuned, very awake, and aware and often desires intimacy. The sensation is that of springtime, of new life and promise. When the green essence sparkles in our hearts we often attract friendship.

There is also a challenge inherent in the green. When we open our hearts to genuine feelings, we often discover wounds of the heart that want to be healed. A true friend does not pretend all is well when it isn’t, but instead will help us understand the nature of our suffering so that the truth can be revealed and healed. Green is an invitation to experience the pain and suffering within us, as well as what is wonderous, and to embrace it all. The attuned heart wants to understand all aspects of life. As we inquire, we often discover that the upset wasn’t as much around a person as a disconnection from our True Nature. The emerald essence of the heart invites us to live completely and fully. Green is naturally kind, loving, and compassionate.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

When the green portal first opens an individual, heart is so sensitive that one can feel too open or vulnerable at first. The wish might be to bound off out of sight like a rabbit. But don’t forget that the hare is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. The rabbit knows how to listen and depends on its own level of sensitivity for its survival. If we allow the green to continue to unfold like springtime grasses, we can begin to experience the promise of life. The green essence helps us feel attuned and empathic. An inner vision may emerge of young green leaves emerging beneath the waxing crescent moon.

Color Therapy:

Green is associated with the heart chakra and the qualities of self-love and compassion. Spending time in nature can bring us a sense of harmony and ease. Hugging a tree can also help us find our center again. Green is the balance center between the lower and upper chakras and the first taste of blue spirituality. An open heart is naturally generous. A person who identifies with green tends to be empathic and sympathetic, and tends to have a love of children, animals and nature.

Planets & Sounds:

Mercury, the planet of communication, is generally associated with the color green. However, Goethe associated green with Venus and linked the planet to lush vegetation. Luckily there is no definitive answer, which leaves room for Imaginosophy. In sound therapy the tone of “F” is linked to the heart chakra, and the sound inspires love, and balance.

Flower Essence:

Snowdrops are known as the flower of hope and are one of the first flowers to appear in the spring. The Greek name, “Galanthus” means milk flower. The small white blossom has three petals and is considered sacred to the triple goddess Brighid. The flower essence helps a person who feels stuck or frozen move forward with a more positive outlook on life.


Create a wheel of life on your altar or, even better, out in nature. Attune yourself with the natural rhythms and cycles of the year and sense your place within it. This can be as simple as placing stones in the four directions, and perhaps painting lighting on a stone for the center. Imagine accepting your perpetual spiritual nature, as you stand firmly rooted in the manifest world.

Seven of Spirit - TURQUOISE “Awakening”


A person who resonates with Turquoise tends to be very creative or has an affinity with technology. They may be very psychic, and open to the paranormal. In the Crystal Age, this will be considered normal. They tend to love the ocean and have a special relationship with dolphins, mermaids and other creatures that generally belong to myth. They are aware of the importance of working as a group, and easily see the larger picture. These natural humanitarians are sometimes called Starseeds, for they are celestial beings who have come to Earth at this pivotal time to assist with the Ascension. We will ultimately evolve into a planet of harmony and peace in which all thrive.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

From a Turquoise background emerges, a pearl encrusted circle, reminiscent of the ancient cup of healing and rebirth known as the Pair Dadeni. A portal opens from the cosmic ocean, or the depths of the unconscious. The gateway is protected by a pair of dragons. This is indicative of the new pairs of ley lines that are now appearing all around the globe, suggesting that new higher frequencies are with us. We are indeed entering the Crystal Age. At the center we see a silver five-pointed star that points to a distant light. When it is time for our spiritual awakening, an energetic stirring happens called the activation of the Ananda Khanda, or emergence of the transcendent heart. This stimulates the imagination, and the higher mind begins to reveal a more holographic universe. After the opening of the higher heart, intuition is increased and it becomes increasingly easy to access other dimensions, such as the faery and angelic realms, and alien races. The Celtic people believed that Dragons, like the Sphinxes of ancient Egypt, act as guardians of the Otherworlds. It is said to be aware of worms that slither on their bellies, but once the serpent raises itself in spiritual activation, then it is a life affirming creature. Likewise, Dragons read the levels of ethical and psychic development in a person and the decides who steps into the 5th dimensional frequencies. Ultimately all people who choose to shift into the frequency of love will be invited into the next dimension.

Color Therapy:

Thought of as the color of Atlantis, Turquoise is an important frequency for the Aquarian or Crystal Age. It encourages the creative expression of the heart. As Turquoise opens in the higher heart, there is an understanding that individuals must take personal responsibility for their actions, and we must develop a humanitarian view in which all sentient beings are cared for. This is a time in which the age-old wisdoms with the help of new technologies can emerge .

Planets & Sounds:

Uranus from a distance looks Turquoise. This 7th planet is gaseous with wild weather and many lightning strikes. It is said to rain diamonds. The color tones are G flat and F#.

Flower Essence:

A flower essence associated with the Turquoise frequency is Helichrysum, which helps to heal old wounds and raise people out of trauma and turmoil. It is also an excellent essential oil, called honey for the psyche. The Pearl Gem Elixir acts as an entry to compassion and supports each individual healing process. After all, we are all pearls beyond price.


Try creating a gem elixir with your favorite crystal by placing it overnight in distilled water under the light of the moon and stars.

Eight of Spirit - BLUE “Peace”


A person who responds to primary Blue tends to be someone who loves communicating and can be a natural musician. They tend to focus on physical health. They are sometimes rebellious, feel challenged by authorities and dislike people who attempt to dominate them. They appreciate truth, and laws that align with their inner understanding. The main issue can be quieting the mind, and if they feel out of alignment they can experience “the blues.” Music can help reestablish inner harmony and peace. If they can relax, people who love sky blue tend to be spiritual and can enjoy spending time in silence. Prayer is a form of communicating with the Divine and the Infinite Light can respond with benedictions and grace. Ultimately Blue can open into essential peace.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

From the blue of sky an image appears within a silver circle showing a Swan with a sapphire blue eye. This signifies the One eye of Spirit, which can only see that which is good and has faith in the process of life. The Swan swims over a lake lined with light blue Periwinkle blossoms. Behind him are two more circles, forming a sacred trinity of protection. In the center an Anam Cara (Soul Friend) or Celtic Love knot symbolizes everlasting love.

Color Therapy:

Blue is linked to the throat chakra and the spoken word. It is also known as the color of protection. When the Blue ray opens, Divinity can be experienced. A person with a lot of sky blue in their aura tends to have good health and experience inner peace. Biblically it is said that the blue of sky can mix with the throne of the Divine. When fully established in sky blue, a person can be directly in touch with the celestial realms. With the blue aspect, an individual begins the integration into the absolute and other dimensions of consciousness. According to spiritual teacher AH Almaas, the Blue Essence opens in the head and can open the wonders of Reality, eventually leading to Self-Knowledge.

Planets & Sounds:

The planet most often associated with Blue is the great beneficent Jupiter, ruler of philosophical Sagittarius. Jupiter’s Greek Sky Father equivalent is Zeus, ruler of the heavens. Tone is G.

Flower Essence:

Periwinkle flower essence is for spiritual self-care. It helps a person integrate life experiences before moving onto the next phase of life.


Find a body of water and toss stones into it observing the circles and ripples that are created; and/or look into the sky and breathe in and out in harmony with the cosmos.

Nine of Spirit – INDIGO “Intuition”


It is time to become increasingly aware of the mysteries that exist beyond time and space. Perhaps a message is coming to you from the Otherworlds. Pay close attention to your dreams and visions. Insights arise when our minds are moved by the mystery. When mental concepts are touched by Presence, they tend to dissolve. Your soul is calling you to see your life in a new way. Ideas may need to fall away so that the experience of existence may bring insights and breakthroughs.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

In the Indigo card we see a wolf gazing at the nighttime sky. The wolf stands within a Celtic circle, symbolizing the spirit that cannot be broken. To his right is a waning crescent moon; to his left is a guiding star; and a Quaternity knot rests above him. In the Celtic tradition, a pattern or design that shows no beginning or end symbolizes eternity. Journeying on these paths beyond the physical requires spiritual fortification, and like the Cross, the Quaternity knot is considered a symbol of protection. The wolf can act as a guide through the shadows.

Sound: Isaac Newton added Indigo to the rainbow to produce seven colors, matching the musical scales. Musical tone for Indigo is E.

Color Therapy:

Indigo is associated with intuition, our second sight that is beyond the five senses. Inner sight is honored by all indigenous cultures and may be awakened by such practices as gazing into a fire and watching the smoke arising or observing the nighttime sky and simply letting thoughts drift.

 Isaac Newton felt that color result from light itself, however, Goethe claimed that colors arise at the edge of light and dark. Gazing into a prism, it is possible to see the many facets of the rainbow, which reflect our spiritual nature. Indigo is made up of two parts blue and one part red, (or violet and red) and to get a deeper color, a drop of black might be needed. Indigo tends to make a person introspective, even feel called to a vision quest or an exploration of spiritual mysteries.

It is often said that darkness is the absence of light, but is that true? Goethe felt that the refraction of darkness was just as important as the refraction of light. We tend to fear the dark mystery, yet what we seek is often found in the shadows. Instead of accepting intuition as a gift, history is filled with tales of people who were burned as witches for perceiving differently. Carl Jung opened the way to the visions of the unconscious. Now Wisdom Keepers and Shaman around the globe, are assisting in helping those ready to open their higher senses. One way to access the inner worlds is to practice crystal ball gazing, or scrying.

Planets & Sounds:

Tone “A”

Flower Essence:


Scrying comes from the old English word descry, which means to reveal or see something in the dimness. Scrying is generally practiced by looking at a dark surface, such as a dark crystal or dark mirror. This requires use of an open mind. Gazing into the darkness, such as a well can awaken the psychic ability inherent within us all. Hydromancy or water scrying is performed with a flat bowl of water that is then touched creating ripples. Then just silently observe what is seen. You may wish to write down the thoughts or images that come to you.

Ten of Spirit – VIOLET “Sacred Flame”


The violet ray is all about change, transformation, magic, and restoration. It is time to use the violet flame to cleanse and renew yourself. It is also very good at clearing away our karma and the negativity of the world. We all accumulate some negativity, and now is the time to cleanse so we can live our lives free of the agendas of others. The sacred flame burns away all that is not true.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The Healing Grail has been found. Behind it the fifth element symbolized by lightning flashes, reminding us that we are entering a spiritual age. The lilac rose, a spiritual symbol, is in full blossom. It also has two thorns, suggesting that beauty must be protected A sacred flame burns perpetually within the waves of the cosmic ocean.

Color Therapy:

On the color spectrum, violet has the highest frequency. The vibrations are cooling, calming, and healing. People who identify with the color violet tend to be healers and kind humanitarians who care for all of life. Violet is a spiritual color and is used by religions around the world. It is also the color of the crown chakra and can be linked to nobility.

Violet is the child of red and blue, and there is a promise here of linking the red material corpus with the divinity of the blue. Together they combine as the promise of heaven on earth. People who identify with violet tend to see themselves as spirits having a human experience. Violet soothes mental and emotional stress. As an essence, violet opens a portal to the spiritual realms and the healing mysteries. When violet opens in the crown it can act as a bridge to the higher chakras, including: the soul star, spirit, universal, galactic, and celestial/divine chakras, or dimensions of consciousness.

Planets & Sounds:

Many mystics claims that the violet flame of the seventh ray is tended by Archangel Zadkiel. Musical tone is F. Saturn is generally related to Violet, and in Vedic astrology it is said that wearing an amethyst can help offset the challenges related to this planet. Amethysts attracts the higher violet cosmic rays, which support a person in developing discipline, wisdom, and spiritual achievement. The tone is “B.”

Flower Essence:

The lilac rose essence is for highly sensitive people who are opening to their spiritual healing potential.


Whenever you feel events from the past begin to overwhelm you with sorrow or suffering, visualize a sacred amethyst flame igniting on the crown of your head and then moving down through your body removing all negativity, and repeat these word: “I Am the Sacred Perpetual Flame; I Am the Light of the Divine; I Am the blaze of sacred power; I Am free.” Visualize yourself now attuned and aligned with your Higher Self.

Eleven of Spirit - MAGENTA “Eternity”


People who are attracted to Magenta tend to be imaginative non-conformists. They are free spirits and probably resist religion but feel attuned to spiritual vibrations. They can naturally uplift those around them. Well integrated Magenta people are practical and able to create balance and harmony in all areas of their lives. They can be very psychic with the ability to rise above the more mundane aspects of life.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

Forms do not disappear but stay in a constant state or renewal and change due to the forces of creation and destruction. To occultists snakes represent both good and evil. Carl Jung felt that the Ouroboros indicated the assimilation of opposites and was thus a symbol of immortality. From a rose-colored background, a silver ring emerges layered with tiny pearls reminiscent of the cup of healing known as the Pair Dadeni. Within the sacred Magenta ring of color, we see a double Ouroboros, two serpents devouring their tails. The Ouroborous is known as an ancient alchemical symbol representing eternity and can be identified as the soul of the world. It represents the cyclical renewal of the soul and body. The double snakes form a protective alchemical symbol known in literature as the Ouroborus AURYN. In Norse mythology Jörmungandr (also known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent) wraps itself around the world biting its own tail until the end of time. The two white circles mirrored in the heads of the upper and lower serpents are reminiscent of the lunar disks worn by Ancient Egyptian deities such as Khonsu, a shapeshifting god of the moon, and Isis, goddess of magic, healing, and rebirth. In Imaginosophy, the double Ouroborus suggests the unity of all things material and spiritual. At the center of the image is a double decagram, 10-pointed star as expression of the ten sephirot of the Tree of Life. The entire image can be meditated upon as an an alchemical union of opposites. serpent, tree and apples of the moon encircled in rose could lead an Imaginosophist to an eternal realm of paradise such as Avalon or Eden.

Color Therapy:

Magenta represents universal love at its highest level. It is a color of balance, optimism, and universal harmony. Two parts red and one part blue (or red and violet) combine to create Magenta. A scientist with an unstoppable imagination, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, said that color arises from the play of light and darkness. Magenta is often referred to as called Goethe’s unseen color. It can act as a threshold color to those stepping into the higher frequencies of love and light.

Planets & Sounds:

Om, the sound of the universe.

Flower Essence:

The Magenta Rose Flower Essence reminds us of our wild and pure nature. Its high frequency can invite unified consciousness.


All will pass away, except that which is eternal. Ask yourself, what is eternal?