Self Inquiry

...the Path to Self-Realization

Self-Inquiry is known and accepted by many as the primary path to Self-Realization. It is the practice of asking yourself open-ended questions and then engaging with the wisdom of the heart without expectation. This experiential questioning, well known by followers of Indian Hindu Sage Ramana Maharshi, can lead to flashes of insight, even spiritual awakening. Each card can act as a gateway to a deeper understanding of True Nature. The Imaginal Readings are designed as pathways to non-dual awakening or Direct Knowing. They are designed to be discarded as the truth reveals itself. Like the three waves of the Triskele, Imaginosophy invokes image, inquiry, and insight to help us on our journey to wholeness. Patterns of light (conscious) and darkness (unconscious) form the circle of life, the Grail. Mystics often activate consciousness with sacred sounds, such as OM or AUM. We each have a soul melody that is ours to discover. The best way to discover the inner landscape of the deck, is to ask the questions that naturally arise about your own inner blueprint and design.

What is arising in the present moment?

What is the nature of your soul?

What is your Imaginal world attempting to share with you?

Grail Questions

In Imaginosophy, you will be presented with many questions. See which ones excite your heart, and answer those. The main question for Self-Realization is “Who Am I?” There are endless answers, and please explore them all. You may ask yourself these questions once or a thousand times. No one can solve the riddle but yourself, and the answer is forever changing. To solve the riddle requires a love of the truth and the willingness to become real. The ultimate Grail question is: “Who does the Grail serve?”

Facing our shadows can be difficult but as the old patterns fall away and the True Self emerges like a butterfly, we realize that solving the puzzles and riddles of our lives is rewarding, and ultimately liberating.

Life’s Design

Our sincere hope is that Imaginosophy activates the innate wisdom of those who are fascinated by the Quest for the True Self and are ready to live in the sacred landscape of life’s design. Brilliant teachers often accelerate the understanding of specific subject matter, but ultimately the student must integrate the material and establish their own direct knowing with Source.

Working with the Imaginal Cards can open doorways of insight and perception so that ultimately the individual is able to move past the issues inherent in the ego and persona, and eventually establish more fully in essence and Divine Presence.