Major Arcana

The Allies 0 - VI

The Allies - 0 - VI

Tarot teaches the reality of the archetypes as powers that have animated the stories of existence since the beginning of time. These powers can appear in the form of guides or allies. Following the Major Arcana, we observe 0 Fool who steps out into the mysteries trusting the unfolding process. The next five cards act as embodiments of the five magical helpers: I Magician, II Priestess, III Green Woman (Empress), IV Green Man (Emperor), and V Hierophant, who may act as a spiritual guide. VI Lovers can be an archetypal romantic ally, or present its force as a dualistic challenge.

0 Fool


Step boldly into life and trust the unfolding mystery.


Innocence, trust, optimism, unpredictability, spontaneity.


Foolishness, irresponsibility, craziness.

Royal blue/Pink


The Fool is the lighthearted youth who is willing to be spontaneous, openminded and honest. The Fool is naïve, and innately innocent. Her footsteps are lighthearted as she steps into space. She has basic trust in the universe, and due to her faith, the Quest commences. Yet this step is bittersweet. We must remember that the beginning of a journey is also the end of an old way of being.

If you have chosen 0 The Fool today, it is a reminder that we come from the mystery, and it is to that mystery that we will return. You have come to a point in your life when you must make a leap of faith and simply trust the unfolding process. Remember, the universe is always conspiring to help you.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

Once we go on a journey we never return, at least not as the same person. A young woman steps toward the edge of clifftops and turns to look behind her, perhaps to what she is leaving behind. The crystal ball on the end of her staff reflects the light of the sun, symbolic of the loving light that resides within her and encourages her to step into her destiny. She has a purse, indicating that the wealth she needs is already with her. The white dog is the hound of Gwyn Ap Nudd, Lord of the Celtic Underworld. Here the hound acts as her protector, reminding her that even if she dives into the water she cannot drown, for she is an immortal Lady of the Lake.

Grail Legend:

In this card, the young Lady of the Lake begins her heroine’s journey into the unknown. With each step, she leaves behind what was familiar and steps fully into the mystery. In Nimue, a young woman discovers that she was a Lady of the Lake in a previous life and that she is the one responsible for sealing Merlin up in a tree. She decides that the only way forward is to travel though time back to the 5th century and see if she can remember the old magic. White daisies grow on the bank, and she clutches a bouquet in her hand, taking the essence of the wonderous spiritual world with her and she follows her Quest.

Imaginal Self/ Inner Child:

Feeling called to the adventures of life and the mysteries of Spirit.

Grail Question:

How does the Quest begin in earnest? It begins with the Fool, the Divine Child who is daring enough to ask questions that lead to truth and curious enough to follow the inquiry wherever it may lead. Where are you being called?

I-V: Allies for the Grail Quest

I Magician


Listen to the Elements for they are alive.  Magic awakens when we remember we are an inherent part of everything.


Skill, confidence, charm, creativity, intelligence, imagination, manifestation.


Deception, trickery, cheating, misalignment.



A Magician is like a conductor of an orchestra, who is One with the music. All sounds must pass through the conductor and harmonize for the magic to happen. The open heart loves the Music of the Spheres and responds to the sounds of the universe. Magic requires trust in the imagination.

Pulling the I Magician is a call to action in the external world. Before moving into action, find a place of silence. Magic is found in the stillness between form and formless. Take a deep breath and listen deeply to your inner music. What is the song that lives in your heart? Remember that following this song brings fulfillment.

It’s time to begin manifesting your dreams and desires. If you have pulled this card today, the Magician is inviting you to step forward and co-create with life. Be willing to go on a Quest to find your inner hallows, or sacred treasures. A great mystery is calling you, an alchemical quest for the True Self. Be willing to be magic.

1st - Arcanum:

For three centuries, the 1st Major Arcana was “Bagatto” (Italian for Magician) or “Bateleur” (the Juggler in French). The first trump was the Juggler, and he was meant to be a trickster. Paul Christian renamed it “The Magus” but the “Magician” was established as the name of the 1st Major Arcana with the establishment of the Waite-Smith deck in 1909. In the game of tarok, the number of the trumps mattered because the greater numbers were more powerful than the lesser numbers. In this way, XIV Temperance is more powerful than XIII Death, and the XXI Universal sources are more powerful than all the previous Arcana. The 1st Arcanum as the Hermetic Magician is all about playing with the Great Work, and aligning personal effort with spiritual reality.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

A magical woman holds her wand toward the sky, the opposite direction of 0 Fool. The crystal activates a rainbow inside a magical cup. An hourglass suggests that there is a timing to the events taking place. This magical woman is inspired by Merlin’s sister, Ganieda. She holds a golden cup rimmed with pearls. The spinning stars behind her suggest she is attuned to the living cosmos. The Easter Lily represents peace, purity, and sympathy, and are said to be a flower that leads toward self-nourishment and restoration.

Grail Legend:

Ganieda, the magical twin sister of Merlin, assists Nimue on her quest to find the true magic. In Riddles of the Ancestors, Ganieda must use all of her magic to overcome a druid’s curse that became a snare at the first invasion of Mona (Angelsey Wales) in 60AD. To step into the 5th Dimension, she must heal old traumas and forgive her enemies. The invasion was the beginning of the destruction of the spiritual people of the British Isles and the beginning of the age of materialism. Centuries later, Ganieda struggles to find a part of herself that lays buried at the bottom of the Celtic Sea.

Archetypal Ally:

A charming and talented person.

Grail Questions:

Are you aware of the Elementals? Can you hear the songs of the Universe? What do you wish to manifest?

II High Priestess


Listen to your inner voice and intuitive messages.


Prudence, self-discipline, intuition, wisdom, guidance, revelation.


Temptations, rigidity, dogma.

Royal blue/clear


The deep mysteries of the inner worlds call to you. Your heart wants to deliver a message about your intuition, the refinement of truth, and the power of embracing direct knowing. Can you hear it? Does it frighten you? Take some time to listen with an open heart and mind to the messages that are coming from within. It may be that your inner Priestess is calling you to open your intuitive or oracular gifts. Sometimes a person from the Otherworld, an ancestor or guide, has a message for you. It is time to pay attention to your intuition. Slow down and attend your dreams.

2nd - Arcanum:

Oracle is a Latin word that means to speak or pray. The Pythia, the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would reveal the messages of the gods after scrying into dark water. Her visions were thought to be infallible. This Oracular practice lasted from 8th Century BCE to 4th Century CE. The oracles and sibyls became known as the High Priestess, the one who is in touch with Underworld or Otherworldly powers. The practice assumed that one would have to be in an altered state to speak to the gods. In 394 CE the practice was banned, and the temples destroyed.

The High Priestess lived on in the Celtic tradition as an Ovate. She would enter into trance states to speak directly with the gods and goddesses. Today she or he would be considered a psychic medium, midwife, or death doula, someone who holds open the veil between life and death. The High Priestess acts as an intermediary between humans and the gods and can reveal divine revelations, and prophecies.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The High Priestess acts as an intermediary between humans and the gods, and thus the II Priestess holds the veils between the worlds open. This symbolizes that she can in both the physical and spiritual worlds. The full moon above her head reminds us of the power of the High Priestess. Her eyes are closed, so she can listen fully to the inner mysteries. The crescent moon at her feet suggests that she has mastered her emotions. The third golden moon on her forehead symbolizes that she is at the peak of her power. She is robed in stars, and clearly living in alignment with universal forces.

Grail Legend:

Anna, High Priestess of Avalon challenged the darkness within young Myrddin Emrys. Once he passes the test he is known as Merlin, who has the power of the light and darkness within his soul. Nimue also learns the ways of the Priestess, but her role is ultimately to be Merlin’s lover. At first, she resists her fate, but during an initiation at Avebury, she emerges prepared for her new role and new life as counselor of Camelot Later, standing between lifetimes, Nimue reviews her life lessons and understands more about the true meaning of the Grail and the themes that run like gold and silver strands of wisdom through and between lifetimes.

Archetypal Ally:

A highly sensitive, intuitive, and/or spiritual person.

Grail Questions:

In what ways do you feel connected to the Divine? Do you have psychic or oracular gifts? What messages do the ancestors have to convey to you?

III Green Woman


Experience pleasure, live fully & give birth to your dreams.


Creativity, love, fertility, abundance, healing, magic.


Trouble at home, fear, anxiety, dependency.



The Green Woman, a healing aspect of the Wisdom, is pregnant with the promises of the Earth and is calling us to remember how to co-create with all of life. She reveres form and matter, recognizing the physical as an expression of the soul.  The Green Woman understands nature’s cycles and knows all things will be born in the right time. She is the embodiment of sacred magic. She reminds us that it is healthy to spend time in nature and to dream, to become acquainted with the living soul of the world.

The Green Woman is the life-affirming, generous and often nurturing aspect of nature. She loves all sentient beings, can comfort, and ultimately heal all wounds. Neglected, defiled or forgotten at our peril, the Green Woman invites us into increased self-care and self-love. Without our health life is hardly worth living. It is beneficial for us to honor Mother Earth, spend time with the elements and to get to know the sentient beings found in the natural world. The Green Woman, the blossoming creative and life affirming feminine, invites us to look at our connection with our mothers, our mothering, our secret loves, and the many faces of the divine feminine.

3rd - Arcanum/Mystery:

The Green Woman is Life operating in the material world. She is inherently magical; she is also sacred. She does not need to control her environment, because she lives in harmony with the land, naturally co-creating with the elemental forces. Like the Empress of the tarot, the Green Woman does not seek to dominate or control, which is sorcery, but instead she knows the secret of consciousness over force. In her generosity, she is always giving birth to the world. One of her secrets is that sacred magic can evoke healing in a person who is sick. What we call miracles are everyday occurrences to the Green Woman. As an embodiment of Wisdom, she is aware that the subtle mysteries of Life reign over the material plane, which is why as a Lady of Sovereignty she chooses which king or leader rules. If because of some sort of corruption she cannot chose a leader, then she withdraws her energy and the land tends to become a barren wasteland. She has the power to restore the land at her bidding. The Green Woman’s secret teaching is that sacred magic is born of the combination of divinity and human will and is only wielded successfully with the power of love. Pregnant with the mystical child, she carries the promise of a mage or healer who can bring divine light into the world. 

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The Green Woman replaces the Empress in the traditional tarot. The Green Woman is also in touch with Gaia and life flourishes around her. She does not sit on a throne, but instead walks on the surface of the Earth. Her crown of stars indicates that she is also in touch with the movement of the planets and cosmic spheres. The veil that has been opened by II Priestess flows like a ghostly cape behind her. Even as she walks across water, plants unfurl beneath her feet. Like 0 Fool, she carries a staff in her left hand which radiates the light of the sun that now shines in front of her, symbolic of a bright future. Her natural abundance has given rise to a good harvest, and she holds some golden wheat in her right hand. The astrological symbol of Venus is in the lower left section of the drawing, indicating that the sensual and life affirming energies of Aphrodite are alive and well.

Grail Story(Nimue):

After a wild celebratory night with Bacchus, Diana the huntress finds herself with child. Knowing this would destroy her reputation, she sends a message to her Avalonian sisters who are still able to worship in the ancient life affirming ways. As an oracle, Diana knows that her temples will be destroyed in the future. So hidden in a magical veil, she goes to the priestesses of Avalon who promise to protect her baby so that the girl may live into her destiny as a Lady of the Lake. They name the baby Nimue and raise her in a priestess sanctuary. In Riddles of the Ancestors, Diana remembers who she is, and must overcome her amnesia to help Gaia’s mission of unity. Nimue is eventually able to meet her grandmother Letona on the floating island of Delos and free her from the curse the women in her family have endured long enough. Healing ancestral wounds heals past generations and also frees the way for those who are yet to be born.

Archetypal Ally:

A mothering, caring, encouraging person; a healer.

Grail Questions:

How do you experience your inner feminine? What connection do you have with your mother? What are you giving birth to?

IV Greeen Man


Live in alignment with all sentient beings.


Love, life, fertility, wealth, power, kindness.


Domination, ego, abuse of power.



The Green Man embodies the vigorous soul of nature and the heart the male aspect. He understands the sacred land and the beasts that live upon and within it. He reminds us to honor and respect the laws of nature. The Green Man represents our vital and creative aspects. He epitomizes the conscious and positive masculine, who chooses to live in alignment with both earthly and the cosmic forces. 

4th - Arcanum:

The Emperor or Green Man does not teach what to believe but instead how to seek for truth and mystical experiences. On the quest one must empty out all knowledge so that the illumination can be received, and then one simply knows. This inner revelation has a magical effect because his authority comes from a revealed truth, and from this place he can be a true leader. In a time when we are redefining the definition of the healthy masculine, the Green Man replaces the Emperor of the traditional tarot. This luminary aspect is an archetype that exists within all of us regardless of gender. The Green Man has no need to be superficial, indeed, like any great leader he seeks to be authentic. He does not have to dominate or impose his authority on others, if anything he is capable and mystical, a natural trailblazer. Here he stands on the land under the open sky, at home in an uncultivated field. He needs no one, because he has tapped into the magic of the great mysteries. He is at peace with both the temporal and the eternal.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The Green Man does not carry a weapon, but instead a staff (in place of the scepter). The staff has similarities with the Caduceus, the staff of Hermes. In this case a serpent has crawled onto his body suggesting that the Green Man needs no external hallows. He needs no throne to sit upon or clothes to wear, because he is simply comfortable with who he is in the moment. Magic is alive and well within him. Animals gather at his feet because they naturally honor him as a leader and protector. His crown is made of antlers, signifying his oneness with the natural world. Like Lord Shiva, the serpent is draped across his neck signifies his understanding of the endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and also the need to always keep the ego in check. He knows that men who do not glory in themselves excel. He wears a torc, a symbol of wealth and rank the Celts wore to represent that they were freemen. Freedom is the greatest of all gifts, and it always comes with a price. The Green Man holds another torc in his hand, perhaps for his beloved Creiddylad who he has sworn to fight for with his rival Gwythyr until the end of time. An Oak tree bends toward him, a living tree, not a crucifix. This divine man is living, not fixed in old ideas or dogma. He is interested in truth that is alive. 

A tree sacred to the Druids, Oaks are considered the king of trees. In the Classical World, it was thought that the Tree of Life’s roots went deep into the Underworld, while the branches ascended upwards into the realms of Jupiter and Zeus. A wise owl looks forward, ready to send messages to the nighttime realms. A deer, rabbit, fox, and squirrel rest at the Green Man’s feet awaiting his next movement. The yellow flowers blooming at his feet suggests that his life is filled with both attuned intelligence and joy.

The symbol of Mars (the warrior of the planets) on the lower right-hand side of the card, suggests the Green Man is capable of battle, but he chooses to be peaceful. It may be that he does not compete because no one could rival him, except perhaps the May Queen.

Grail Story:

This horned figure is indicative of ancient Celtic figures such as Cernunnous, the Gaelic lord of beasts and wild places. There are also other Green Men such as Herne the Hunter, Woden and Pan, who understand the secrets of the living world. The Green Man tends to appear around May Day or Beltane. The Imaginosophy we have playfully aligned the Green with Gwyn Ap Nudd, although can take on many forms. Gwyn Ap Nudd is a mythological king of the Welsh tradition. He is known in Avalonian myth as Lord of the Otherworld. His realm is called Annwn, and some say a portal to this Otherworldly kingdom can be found beneath the Glastonbury Tor. When the moon is full, Gwyn Ap Nudd leads the wild hunt to find the souls of the dead and takes them to the Underworld. In Nimue, he acts as a wise advisor when Nimue is not sure she wishes to live into her destiny. Later he leads the wild hunt in order to trap a fragmented soul.

Archetypal Ally:

A wise, charismatic, and natural leader; a free man.

Grail Questions:

How do you experience your inner masculine? Do you feel more aligned with the traditional Emperor, or the more ancient Green Man archetype? Who in your life reminds you of the Green Man?

V Hierophant


It is beneficial to study the sacred mysteries, and remarkable to meet a spiritual guide.


Knowledge, study, inquiry, ethics.


Feeling divided, loss of faith, dogma.



The Hierophant stands for belief, trust, and faith in the working of the universe. He reminds us of ethics, and of spiritual law and order. He teaches us how to breathe in the Divine Light, and breathe out blessings. The spiritual path demands will power, creative focus and curiosity. To step across the threshold of the apparent world onto the path or channel of the mysteries, there must be a thirst for truth and meaning. The Hierophant as Spiritual Teacher can appear in many guises. You may encounter a sage, shaman, spiritual teacher, ancestral guide, or friend who understands cosmic truths. You may also be drawn into religious, mythological, or metaphysical studies, rituals, and practices. The Hierophant is a role or position a person is given when they have created an alignment with the divine and have been given an earthly mission, which is to help others end the cycle of suffering and awaken.

The Hierophant is the alchemical guide who can open doorways to freedom. In our current age, this person is often a psychotherapist who understands how to navigate the wounds of the heart. He or she might be someone you go to seeking healing, only to discover that the therapy involves a deep dive into the unconscious or superconscious. For many years Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung was assisted by Philemon, an old man with kingfisher wings who appeared in his dreams as an embodiment of spiritual knowledge and taught him about the reality of the psyche. Eventually Carl Jung realized that Philemon was an enlightened part of himself. In Imaginosophy, the Hierophant can appear as an external mentor, or an inner dream guide, or any number for forms.

5th - Arcanum:

In earlier decks, the 5th Arcanum was the Pope, and the teaching was that of prayer and benediction. Like a yogic in-breath and out-breath to connect to the cosmos, prayer is an energy that reaches skyward, and benediction is the celestial descending response. The idea is that prayer is beneficial to everyone. The benediction can offer us a taste of Nirvana, or the more Celtic Circle of Ceugant where there is only Divinity. While the Wisdom remains the same, forms and images change to match the current generation. Here the Hierophant appears as a wise old man, an embodiment of the Great Work. He can be compared with Melchizedek, a celestial High Priest who lived before the flood (potentially Atlantis) and was assigned the task of ushering in the Messiah. Fragments from the Nag Hammadi codices imply that Melchizedek incarnated as Jesus Christ. The Hierophant could also appear as Sophia.

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

The Hierophant represents tradition and the willingness to serve the Divine. A wise old man stands on a well paved pathway, yet it disappears into a void. The astrological symbol of Neptune indicates that this is a mythical path, and it may be illusory. This Merlin-figure holds a Druid’s staff with a crystal ball that is being illuminated by the Sun. His Crane Bag suggests that he has all the tools and medicines he needs for his sacred journey. He is not dressed in ceremonial clothes, but in a traveling cloak of earthy brown and compassionate spring green. The colors make him seem trustworthy. Thistles, Daisies and Heather grow along the track, indicating the Wisdom of the natural world is honored here. The Apple tree with golden and silver apples suggests that this could be a passageway to an Otherworld, perhaps the healing realm of Avalon. Behind the Druid we see Blue, the color of Divinity, and behind that a hot white Sun. The High Priestess has done the work of parting the transcendent veils and there are hints it may be time for the initiate to go on the quest and engage the mysteries. When we have a sense of the ancient past, we can stand in the present moment and perceive a positive future. 

Grail Story:

Taliesin was a magnificent 6th century poet from the Welsh tradition. By the 12th century, he had become the fictional Merlin. The Merlin or Myrddin of legend is a Spirit of an Age, who takes on human form. It is Merlin with supernatural gifts who can hold both the Faery Grail of the old traditions and the Holy Grail of the Christian faith. His powers allow him to levitate, shapeshift, become invisible, and create fire out of air. We love Merlin because while he understands the Cosmic Laws he does not adhere to traditional social limitation. Even with his gifts, in many tales Merlin undergoes a period of madness in the forest and is challenged in a variety of ways. The Hierophant is born to stand in the middle of conflict and help solve paradoxes and riddles. He arrives when the wounds are ready to be acknowledged and healed. Merlin returns with full respect for the Higher Power. In Nimue, Merlin romances the protagonist and helps her realize that the magic she seeks also reside within her. After becoming counselor of Camelot, she is given a spiritual challenge and dividing herself she fails. With the help of her companions, the process of understanding the True Self begins at St Nectan’s Glenn. She must face her shadow and light; and integrate both to become liberated. In alchemy this is known as the Great Work.

Archetypal Ally:

A religious, spiritual, or ethical person who acts as a guide or teacher.

Grail Questions:

Who is your teacher?

VI Lovers


There is an art to making correct choices, especially in matters of the heart.


Relationships, collaboration, sacred vows, heart’s desire, devotion.


Blocks to passion, misunderstandings, shadows, loneliness.



There is an art to making right choices. When Lovers appears in a reading, it might be time to collaborate with another or establish an alliance. The heart will know. You may have met a desirable new person and wish to take the alchemy further. You may also be tapped into the undying frequency of love, the eternal flame that always burns as the Beloved. Lovers remind us of the power of creative union. Two people awakening to the language of the heart can produce magical outcomes. Together we can produce children, or art, or music. Friendships have much value and need to be tended like sacred flames. When we love each other with wisdom, those around benefit also.

6th - Arcanum:

This mystery has to do with sacred marriage, which is almost a forgotten art. The mystical union is an initiation, a blending together of two opposites and an awakening of the living memory of paradise. It is said that both the Sun and the serpent both lead to God. The 4th Arcanum teaches the true meaning of chastity, which is that the veil of the Goddess is sacred. The uniting with the beloved is paradise. In the old egalitarian societies, a woman learned to merge with the Goddess, to call Her inside and be one with Her. A woman became the land, and she chose her ruler. A man might be invited enter her and to travel past the lips of the goddess into divine ecstasy. It was then that the merging of man and woman could be experienced as an alchemical union. The calling down of divinity into body and soul was considered a holy act. The union of the god and goddess was believed to be a perfect marriage, one that would protect the land and keep it fertile. When we fall out of love we can feel as though we are lost, but to extinguish love is to live as a shadow. The way forward is to establish union with anther. After all, we are here to embrace life in our sacred bodies. Therefore, the ultimate teaching is to love one another, for then it is reflected in all our relationships. Love is the theme music of paradise. 

Symbolism/Image as Guide:

Out of the blue of Spirit, emerges the scene of a garden with two people who are gazing into each other’s eyes. They are encircled by a gold ring. Blue butterflies on either side of the drawing indicate and healing and metamorphosis are taking place. Two doves fly above their heads, birds sacred to the goddess of love. Four acorns below suggest that big dreams could manifest from their alchemy, life forms as powerful as Oaks. The Lovers stand beneath a Hawthorn tree that is in full bloom, the flowers seem to hold them in an embrace of love. Carved into the middle of the trunk of the tree is the astrological symbol of Mercury, the planet of communication which is so pivotal to all relationships. The double Celtic eternity knot at the bottom of the page suggests eternal union, and yet the deer antlers remind us that the body is mortal. However, love can conquer death. The spiral above the heads of the Lovers suggests that the adoration they experience for each other could lead them to an understanding of the Higher Heart and the Beloved, a love that is unending.

Grail Story:

In Nimue, Merlin and Nimue feel a deep attraction for one another. Nimue prepares herself for sacred union and they decide to explore ecstatic merging in Chrisialau, the crystal cave. It is through this alchemy of love, that Nimue begins to realize the magic that resides within her.

Archetypal Ally:

The Lover is considered an archetype and can also appear as a romantic person or good friend in your life.

Grail Questions:

Who do you love?